Cracow Base +48 662 331 222

Cracow Base +48 662 331 222

Goals and training

Together with the Krakow Aero Club, we are pleased to announce the start of cooperation at the Pobiednik Wielki airport (EPKP). Our initiative is to create a professional training center in Krakow.

About us

ATO Goldenwings is a certified Aviation Training Organization located at the airport in Warsaw. We have a certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority number PL / ATO-84. We conduct professional aviation training in the following licenses and ratings: PPL, CPL, ATPL 100 KSA, ME, IR, FI, CRI, IRI and UPRT Adv. We have been training hundreds of pilots for all licenses for 12 years. We cooperate with the Lazarski University, creating the field of aviation law combined with science to obtain the CPL (A) professional license. We are one of the two centers in Poland that conduct integrated 0-ATPL (A) training with a guarantee of work in airlines


Especially for this occasion, we ordered brand new airplanes with glass cockpit and the possibility of night flights. 

In addition, we are one of the few Cessna 172 type planes with Glass cockpit that have the option of training for the IR (A) and DA-20 qualifications, which can be used to practice the way out of spinning situations.

Our new simulator

How to get there?

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